The Very Able Child

Children who demonstrate a high ability

At West Pennard C of E Primary School, we believe all pupils are entitled to an education appropriate to their needs; which at times may require a distinct teaching and learning style to meet their learning needs. Our school values all children equally and endeavours to ensure that each child should have the opportunity to realise his/her potential in a challenging and supportive environment. All children should fulfil their potential and be given significant challenges to bring out the best in themselves and develop to a high standard of their ability. Not only depth, but also breath will enable them to unlock and use their high level of thinking skills.

Opportunities are provided for even deeper learning. For some children they will be able to access, within a construct, even greater challenge to deepen their thinking further. ‘Mastery’ learning or ‘learning at greater depth’ requires this higher order ability where children have potential to develop significantly beyond what is expected for their age. A child’s exceptional talents could exist in any area(s) – whether academic or more practical within sports or creative within the arts. We believe these are all important in order to provide an enriched curriculum.

It is equally important to be aware of the difficulties some very able children may experience. Social skills or self-esteem may present more of a challenge to these children and difficultly in relating to their peers. Some may be confused over their development and at times, their behaviour. It is also important for these needs to be met so they do not become barriers to their learning. All children are regularly monitored – academically and developmentally. Any concerns we may have will be raised and discussed with you.




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