In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.

DEMOCRACY at West Pennard Primary School,

We endeavour to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and equally. We encourage children to become involved in decision-making processes and ensure that Pupil Voice is a key part of our school development. Our School Council, Wellbeing Champions and Global warriors, all of whom are elected democratically, play an important role in our school development.  Pupils are encouraged to participate in a weekly “Big Question” where opposing views may be offered and discussed. e.g. “Should Wars be remembered?”


Our behaviour policy is on display and consistent across all classrooms. These behaviour expectations are understood by all adults and children. Positive rewards and clear and consistent consequences underpin these rules. We reinforce the importance of law in respect to home, school and the wider community through assemblies, collective worship and discussions about current news and events using Picture News. Children and adults sign the Home School Agreement in our West Pennard planners, setting out a list of expectations which will help ensure the best outcomes for our children.




Pupils are listened to at West Pennard Primary School and are taught to listen carefully to others and to respect the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. We encourage each other to take ownership of our learning, level of challenge and progress. School Council is a place where pupils can express their views openly and listen carefully to the views of others. Anti Bullying Week is celebrated each year. We mark significant events, such as Remembrance Day in a way that is appropriate and meaningful to the children.

We celebrate individuals who have stood up for their beliefs in times of adversity and struggle through quotes painted in the school hall from Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Theresa amongst others. The rights of a child/individual are discussed in PSHE through our SCARF scheme.


Respect is a core value of our school and underpins our school vision and values. We learn about the cultures and beliefs of others through our link with other schools internationally within the British Council’s Connected Classrooms Programme.

Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others at a very early age. We expect all members of the West Pennard School Community to treat each other with respect.

Courageous advocacy is encouraged with children choosing the charities that we support throughout the year and presenting in assemblies about issues that they hold dear.


British Values in Action

We marked Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee as a school and as a village community with street parties and a special service in St Nicholas' Church.

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To mark the death of Queen Elizabeth II we had a special assembly to commemorate 70 remarkable years. The children were each given a union flag and we went on a procession visiting the four corners of the school site whilst listening to the muffled bells of St Nicholas'. Many thanks to the bellringers for providing the peel of bells as we walked.