The Friends of West Pennard School (FWPS) is a registered charity set up to help advance the education of the pupils at our school and develop relationships between staff, parents and the wider village community.  We achieve most of this by raising funds to help the school, but also hold social events during the year as well.

Many schools have a parent teacher association (PTA) but we are a “friends” of the school because we warmly welcome anyone who wants to be a “friend” and support the school.  Every parent/carer of a pupil and each member of staff is automatically a member of the FWPS and it is entirely up to you how involved you wish to become.

We have been an integral part of the school community for many years and have raised tens of thousands of pounds, which have been spent on improving resources and equipment to enhance our children’s education.

In recent years we have donated 50,000 towards the cost of the new Library / Music Room and purchased a professional stage for school performances.  We have also just recently contributed towards the cost of a fabulous new shelter for forest school activities and we have also funded additional forest school enrichment days for the children.

The FWPS is however, much more than fund raising.  It’s an opportunity to get to know other parents and staff members whilst having fun doing it!

Whether you’re on the Committee, or helping behind the scenes with small projects, you are part of a team whose aim is to improve our children’s school lives.

To keep our ideas fresh and pro-active, we always welcome people who have not attended our meetings before and this ensures the on-going success of the FWPS.  Our meetings are included in the events listings on the school newsletter and displayed on the notice board in the front playground.  Please don’t be put off attending if you don’t know anyone, you will be warmly welcomed and begin to make new friends.

A Message from the Head

“The FWPS work tirelessly for the benefit of the school. Our children enjoy funded trips out of school, theatre visits, superb computing provision, parties, fairs...and even a book on their birthday!  The FWPS help greatly enrich the educational offer and opportunities that the children of West Pennard School enjoy.  I urge parents to get involved – the FWPS is a wonderful way to be part of the school community and to make a real difference.  A huge thank you to everyone involved."

Tony Wheat, Headteacher

If you would like more information about the FWPS please contact Audrey Truan via the school email address: