In March 2013 the Government launched a £150 million per annum initiative as part of the Olympic Legacy Strategy.  The Primary School Sports Premium aims to improve the quality of provision in every state primary school in England.


At the end of the academic year 2023-24, 87% of children met the end of KS2 requirements for swimming (including being able to swim proficiently over 25m, use a range of strokes effectively and perform self-rescue in different water-based situations)


PE and Sport Premium Funding 2023-24 Click here

PE and Sport Premium Funding 2022-23 Click here

PE and Sport Premium Funding 2021-22 Click here

PE and Sport Premium Funding 2020-21 Click here

PE and Sport Premium Funding 2019-20 Click here

PE and Sport Premium Funding 2018-19 Click here

PE and Sport Premium Funding 2017-18 Click here