At West Pennard CE Primary School we take wellbeing very seriously and understand the holistic approach to child development. Feelings of wellbeing are fundamental to the overall health of an individual, enabling them to successfully overcome difficulties and achieve what they want out of life. 

Looking after your physical wellbeing is not only important for your physical health itself, or because good physical wellbeing will benefit your academic performance. Your physical wellbeing and your lifestyle will also have an impact on your mental wellbeing. 

The way you feel, both physically and mentally, is the essence of living.

Empowering children and young people to find the right wellbeing support at the right time.

Min, from Happy Mojos, delivers a weekly whole-school wellbeing programme, supporting body and mind through movement.

These fun and engaging sessions cover six key areas – move, play, breathe, sense, empower and chill; meeting social, emotional, and mental health needs, specific to primary aged children and linked to EYFS and the school curriculum.

Each programme focuses on self-discovery, emotional literacy and building positive relationships, whilst nurturing self-esteem and resilience, to help children be shiny from the inside out! 

For more info:



The Somerset Wellbeing Framework:

Pillars of Wellbeing

As part of the Somerset Wellbeing Framework we are keen to focus on the 3 Pillars of Wellbeing which are a set of evidence-based themes that underpin good mental health.

BELONGING is a sense of connection with a group or institution. When pupils feel included and connected to school, they are more likely to participate in the school community and achieve academic success.

Key aspects of belonging are linked to feeling:

  • Connected and included
  • Safe
  • Respected and valued
  • A sense of purpose

Some examples at West Pennard CE Primary School:

  • Pupils are encouraged to express their views and influence decisions throughout the school and classroom (including elections for School Council reps.)
  • School clubs / sport events / music events (Country Dancing)
  • Celebration Assemblies & Collective Worship
  • The Big Question Board participation
  • Belonging gifts: wooden heart, bowl of pebbles, displays – i.e. entrance display of fish ‘we are swimming altogether in the same direction’ (fish designed by each child).
  • Work displays
  • Enrichment days: Forest School / Mindfulness.
  • Links within the community: Cyder Barn, gifts given to the community
  • Whole school Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy
  • Emotional Coaching parent workshop and staff meeting.
  • School Trips / residential trips
  • Staff INSETs/staff meetings – Sept 2020: wellbeing focus
  • Celebration of birthdays
  • Shared vision of our values – Values Days
  • Wellness on Wednesdays (WoW Wednesdays) - whole school weekly sessions focused on wellbeing.
  • Wellbeing Action Group (parental views / children’s views to be collected Autumn Term 2020)

RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS are the glue that holds a positive school community together and includes all relationships: peer to peer, pupils to staff, governors, visitors and the wider community. This also includes relationships with ourselves which is fundamental to how we treat each other.

Key aspects of positive relationships are linked to feeling:

  • Loved and cared for
  • Listened to
  • Supported in times of need
  • Enjoyment of fun

 Some examples at West Pennard CE Primary School:

  • Curriculum to equip the child for life skills and develop resilience and confidence. See our values!
  • Positive relationships modelled
  • Children involved in the school rules/class charter
  • Eco-club and other environmental trips and visitors
  • Spiritual wellbeing – links with the Church
  • Parental workshops – including emotion coaching (also with staff – staff with children)
  • Peer coaches – supporting children from all year groups in the playground
  • Benches and play equipment in the playground at lunch/break times
  • Nurture lunchtime group
  • Parental events – Mother’s Day
  • Links to support for wellbeing (website)
  • Values Day – mixed year groups
  • Newsletter – link to events in local area

LIFESTYLE behaviours such as; how well we eat, how much sleep we get and how active we are can really impact on our mood, ability to cope and function in everyday life. In relation to executive functioning and cognitive capacity children and young people’s brains are still in development so things like concentration, decision making, problem-solving and many aspects of learning are dependent on and benefit from good levels of basic nutrition, sleep and activity.

Key aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle are:

  • Diet
  • Sleep
  • Activity

 Some examples at West Pennard CE Primary School:

  • A mile a day and other sports events
  • Healthy snack policy
  • Mindfulness / Tai Chi / gardening – enrichment day
  • Values - Spiritual links and morals
  • Fundraising – helping others
  • Inclusive outlook

Sometimes in life adults or children may need a little extra support to help with challenges life can bring which can knock our wellbeing and tip the balance.

We also offer holiday clubs at West Pennard! At Mini Mojos, children will be immersed into a complete sensory experience. Starting our day with ‘Stretch & Shine’, before enjoying the freedom to try any of our exciting zones including craft, construction, games, cosiness, food, nature and so much more!

Mini Mojos multi-activity holiday club is an inclusive, safe space for all children to flourish, develop, experience and be challenged at their own pace and in their own way, whilst having the most amount of fun! The qualified and experienced team will bring the best out of your child, focusing on each and every child in our small groups.

For more info:

Happy Mojos Ltd

Tel: 07809110832

FB/ IG/ LIn: @happymojos

Tw: @happymojoshq


Please find below various support links:


MindLine Somerset Emotional support helpline – for everyone (24/7)
Call 01823 276892
Mindline is a confidential listening service which provides a safe place to talk if you, or someone you know, is in distress. We can also give basic information about mental health and local support services.

Samaritans – for everyone, (24/7)
Call 116 123 
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Provides confidential, non-judgemental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.

Childline – for children and young people under 19 (24/7)
Call 0800 1111 – the number won't show up on your phone bill
ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything - no problem is too big or too small. 

SHOUT  for everyone, (24/7)
Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 
Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.
A Texter will be put in touch with a trained Crisis Volunteer (CV) who will chat to them using trained techniques via text. The service is designed to help individuals to think more clearly and to take their next steps to feeling better.

Papyrus – for people under 35 
Call 0800 068 41 41 – Monday to Friday 10am to 10pm, weekends 2pm to 10pm, bank holidays 2pm to 5pm 
Text 07786 209697 
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PAPYRUS is the national UK charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. You can contact them for help and guidance for yourself or for someone else in your care.

Kooth - online chat, Monday – Friday 12pm – 10 pm and Saturday – Sunday 6 pm to 10 pm.
Safe and anonymous online chat support for young people – friendly counsellors, self-help and community support. 

Somerset Direct
Information on children’s social care and safeguarding

Young Minds
From eating disorders, to abuse, anxiety, and depression – suggests support for a huge range of difficulties for young people and their parents/carers.

A safe and secure forum for young people to discuss issues affecting their life. Anonymous advice from experts regarding mental health, self-harm, relationships and friendships. 

Elefriends – For everyone (online)
Elefriends is a supportive online community where you can be yourself. Elefriends is run by Mind. 

Fancy a Chat
A service set up by Young Somerset for young people wanting a chat with a youth worker or wellbeing practitioner.


A Glastonbury based charity


Bereavement support:


The School Nurse is also available for health advice:

CH jpeg 5 19 parent     

Parent and Carer Toolkit by the MHST: